Builtin actions
Table of contents
- check
- clearInput
- click
- doubleClick
- focus
- getNodeId
- getPosition
- goTo
- hover
- infiniteScrollIn
- navigationClick
- rightClick
- scrollIn
- scrollInUntilBottomIsReached
- scrollIntoView
- spaNavigationClick
- tap
- typeIn
- uncheck
- wait
- waitForDomContentLoadedEvent
- waitForInPageNavigation
- waitForLoadEvent
- waitUntil
- waitUntilExists
- waitUntilVisible
check(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Checks a checkbox prop if it is not already checked.
id: {
eq: "myCheckbox"
await ayakashi.check("myCheckboxProp");
clearInput(prop: string | IDomProp, charCount?: number) => Promise<void>
Clears the text in a prop by pressing Backspace until the value is cleared.
A character count can be specified to only clear part of the text.
id: {
eq: "name"
await ayakashi.clearInput("myInput");
click(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Clicks on a prop
class: {
eq: "btn"
await ayakashi.click("myButtonProp");
doubleClick(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Double-clicks on a prop
class: {
eq: "btn"
await ayakashi.doubleClick("myButtonProp");
focus(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Focuses on a prop
id: {
eq: "email"
await ayakashi.focus("myInput");
getNodeId(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<number>
Returns the DOM nodeId of a prop. Mostly for internal use or to implement other actions.
class: {
eq: "btn"
await ayakashi.getNodeId("myButton");
getPosition(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<{}>
Returns the x and y coordinates of a prop.
class: {
eq: "btn"
await ayakashi.getPosition("myButton");
goTo(url: string, timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Navigates to a new page and waits for the document to load.
A timeout can be specified (in ms) for slow pages (default 10s).
Use a timeout of 0 to disable the timeout.
Learn more at https://ayakashi-io.github.io/docs/going_deeper/page-navigation.html#standard-navigation
await ayakashi.goTo("https://ayakashi-io.github.io");
hover(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Hovers over a prop.
id: {
eq: "info"
await ayakashi.hover("moreInfo");
infiniteScrollIn(prop: string | IDomProp, options) => Promise<void>
Infinitely scrolls inside a scrollable prop.
Works with props that load more content and expand dynamically as they are being scrolled.
A callback can be triggered on each scrolling interval to extract data as we scroll.
The scrolling interval can be controlled with the interval option (default 1s).
The pixels to scroll each time can be controlled with the pixelsToScroll option.
If no pixelsToScroll is provided it will scroll to the (current) bottom of the prop.
The scrolling can be stopped with the stopScrollingAfter option (in ms) or if the final bottom is reached and no more content is available.
class: {
eq: "scrollableList"
await ayakashi.infiniteScrollIn("myInfiniteScrollableDiv", {
cb: function(currentHeight) {
console.log("scrolling infinitely");
console.log("current height", currentHeight);
//let data flow in as we scroll
navigationClick(prop: string | IDomProp, timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Clicks on a prop to navigate to a new page.
It should be used instead of click() so the new page can properly load.
A timeout can be specified (in ms) for slow pages (default 10s).
Use a timeout of 0 to disable the timeout.
Learn more at https://ayakashi-io.github.io/docs/going_deeper/page-navigation.html#click-to-navigate
id: {
eq: "theLink"
await ayakashi.navigationClick("myLink");
rightClick(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Right-clicks on a prop
class: {
eq: "menu-trigger"
await ayakashi.rightClick("menuOpener");
scrollIn(prop: string | IDomProp, pixelsToScroll?: number) => Promise<number>
Scrolls inside a scrollable prop by an amount of pixels.
If no pixels are specified it will scroll to the bottom of the prop.
Works for props with a static height.
Check the scrollInUntilBottomIsReached() and infiniteScrollIn() actions If the prop loads more content and expands dynamically as it is being scrolled.
class: {
eq: "scrollableList"
await ayakashi.scrollIn("myScrollableDiv");
scrollInUntilBottomIsReached(prop: string | IDomProp, scrollInterval?: number, timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Scrolls inside a scrollable prop until its bottom is reached.
Works with props that load more content and expand dynamically as they are being scrolled.
The scrolling interval can be controlled with the interval parameter.
A timeout can be specified (in ms) to throw an error if the time is exceeded (default 10s) and the bottom is still not reached.
Use a timeout of 0 to disable the timeout.
class: {
eq: "scrollableList"
await ayakashi.scrollInUntilBottomIsReached("myDynamicScrollableDiv");
scrollIntoView(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Scrolls a prop into view.
class: {
eq: "btn"
await ayakashi.scrollIntoView("myButtonProp");
spaNavigationClick(prop: string | IDomProp, timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Clicks on a prop that changes the view in a dynamic page or single page application.
It should be used instead of click() so the view can properly load.
It will not reload the page like navigationClick().
A timeout can be specified (in ms) for slow pages (default 10s).
Use a timeout of 0 to disable the timeout.
Learn more at https://ayakashi-io.github.io/docs/going_deeper/page-navigation.html#single-page-application-spa-navigation
id: {
eq: "theLink"
await ayakashi.spaNavigationClick("inPageLink");
tap(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Taps on a prop. Same as click() but dispatches touch events instead of mouse events.
class: {
eq: "btn"
await ayakashi.tap("myButtonProp");
typeIn(prop: string | IDomProp, text: string) => Promise<void>
Types text in a prop by pressing each character one by one with a delay.
id: {
eq: "search"
await ayakashi.typeIn("searchBox", "web scraping and sanity");
uncheck(prop: string | IDomProp) => Promise<void>
Unchecks a checkbox prop if it is already checked.
id: {
eq: "myCheckbox"
await ayakashi.uncheck("myCheckboxProp");
wait(timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Waits for a specified amount of ms.
await ayakashi.wait(3000);
waitForDomContentLoadedEvent(timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Waits for the domContentLoaded event of a new page.
Learn more at https://ayakashi-io.github.io/docs/going_deeper/page-navigation.html#using-the-raw-events
waitForInPageNavigation(timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Waits for an in-page navigation to occur in a dynamic page or single page application.
Learn more at https://ayakashi-io.github.io/docs/going_deeper/page-navigation.html#using-the-raw-events
waitForLoadEvent(timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Waits for the load event of a new page.
Learn more at https://ayakashi-io.github.io/docs/going_deeper/page-navigation.html#using-the-raw-events
waitUntil(cb, interval?: number, timeout?: number) => Promise
Waits by executing the callback until it returns a truthy value in a set interval.
The interval parameter can configure the callback execution interval (default 100ms).
A timeout can be specified (in ms) to throw an error if the time is exceeded (default 10s).
await ayakashi.waitUntil(function() {
return ayakashi.evaluate(function() {
//check for something in the page
waitUntilExists(prop: string | IDomProp, timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Waits until a prop exists on the page by re-evaluating its query until it finds a match.
A timeout can be specified (in ms) to throw an error if the time is exceeded (default 10s).
Use a timeout of 0 to disable the timeout.
class: {
eq: "dynamicContainer"
await ayakashi.waitUntilExists("myProp");
waitUntilVisible(prop: string | IDomProp, timeout?: number) => Promise<void>
Waits until a prop exists on the page and is also visible.
A timeout can be specified (in ms) to throw an error if the time is exceeded (default 10s).
Use a timeout of 0 to disable the timeout.
class: {
eq: "dynamicContainer"
await ayakashi.waitUntilVisible("myProp");