Creating your own preloaders


This is an advanced section on how to create your own preloaders.
If you haven’t done so already, you may want to read the preloaders tour and how to load 3rd party libraries as preloaders to get a better idea.

There is no much to say about preloaders since they are just standard javascript code we preload on a page. (before any of the page’s code has begun loading).
There is no special syntax or API we need to register a preloader but there are two different ways a preloader can be executed.

Generating a preloader

Ayakashi includes a command to generate a new preloader, let’s use it.
Inside your project’s root folder, run:

ayakashi new --preloader --name=myPreloader

This will create a preloaders folder and our myPreloader.js preloader inside it.
myPreloader.js contains the following example content:

//or export it as a module to be available on window.ayakashi.preloaders
//and execute it on demand
// module.exports = function() {
//     console.log(navigator.userAgent);
// };

Which pretty much explains everything we need to know.
We can either have our preloader be a standard script that will get executed on load or export a module which we can then later use in our evaluate() calls by accessing ayakashi.preloaders.myPreloader.