
Ayakashi includes some utilities to help you debug your scrapers while developing.

Using a headful chrome

Ayakashi will run a chromium instance in headless mode by default.
You can change this in the top-level config block in your ayakashi.config.js file:

module.exports = {
    config: {
        headless: false
    //... the rest of the file

Another little helper to use when going headful mode is to automatically open the devTools for each new tab:

module.exports = {
    config: {
        headless: false,
        openDevTools: true
    //... the rest of the file

Pausing execution

Inside a scraper file you can add:

await ayakashi.pause();

to pause the execution of the scraper at that point.
To resume it, you should be running the scraper in non-headless mode.
Go to the tab that the scraper you paused is managing and in the devTools’ console run:


Note: the pause method is only available inside scrapers.