Loading 3rd party libraries as preloaders

Ayakashi allows any 3rd party package (that can be used in the browser) to be loaded and be available in the page for your scrapers to use.

Note: Preloaders are used to load extra code in the actual browser page, so you can then use it inside evaluate() calls.
If you need any kind of library in your scrapers or scripts just install it and require() it as you normally would.

Example (lodash)

Let’s make lodash, a very popular support library, available in our loaded pages.
First we need to install it in our project.
Inside the project folder, run:

npm install --save lodash

Then let’s load it in our scraper.
Inside the project’s ayakashi.config.js:

module.exports = {
    //... the rest of the file
    "waterfall": [{
        "type": "scraper",
        "module": "myScraper",
        "load": {
            "preloaders": [{
                module: "lodash",
                as: "_"
    //... the rest of the file

Use the same name of the package as the one you installed (lodash in our case) under module.
You can also alias it using as (optional).

The package is then available to be used inside evaluate() calls:

await ayakashi.evaluate(function() {

Another Example (Jquery)

Let’s also see how to use jQuery just to illustrate the extra option waitForDOM.

npm install --save jquery
module.exports = {
    //... the rest of the file
    "waterfall": [{
        "type": "scraper",
        "module": "myScraper",
        "load": {
            "preloaders": [{
                module: "jquery",
                as: "$",
                waitForDOM: true
    //... the rest of the file

Jquery (and many other libraries) need the page to be fully loaded before they can run.
The waitForDOM option will do exactly that, it will only load the preloader when the page’s DOM is fully loaded.
It’s like placing the <script> tag at the end of the <body>.

Your own libraries as preloaders

You can of course load any local library that you have written as a preloader.
You can learn how here.