Automatic retries

Doing any work that involves the network or external resources can be unpredictable and error-prone, that’s why Ayakashi includes some retrying mechanisms to make our scrapers more robust.

Retrying distinct operations

You can retry a single operation (or a set of operations) using the ayakashi.retry() API:

    .where({id: {eq: "theLink"}});

await ayakashi.retry(async function() {
    await ayakashi.navigationClick("myLink");
}, 5);

If the loading of the page navigationClick() tries to load fail for any reason (timeout etc), it will then be retried 5 times, in increasing intervals.
In general, any error throwed (or a rejected promise returned) inside the retry block will trigger the retry so it can be used for any kind of operation that has a chance to fail.

  • The function passed to retry must be asynchronous (return a Promise) or an error will be raised.
  • Any result returned by the passed function will also be returned by retry.
  • All errors raised inside retry will be printed to the console.
  • After all retries have been exhausted, the error will finally be raised.
  • retry() uses 10 retries by default but can be configured.

Retrying a whole pipeline step

A whole pipeline step (scraper or script) can also be retried by specifying a retries key in ayakashi.config.js for that step:

module.exports = {
    config: {},
    waterfall: [{
        type: "script",
        module: "myScript"
    }, {
        type: "scraper",
        module: "myScraper",
        config: {
            retries: 10
    }, {
        type: "scraper",
        module: "anotherScraper"

If myScraper raises any unhandled error, it will then be retried for 10 times by reloading the whole step each time (so it will start again from the very beginning of the step).
If it doesn’t succeed after 10 times, the step will be aborted and the pipeline execution will be halted (anotherScraper won’t run).
By default no retries are performed in any step.